You lay back on the bedclothes, and wonder what brought you here,
A time to reflect, a way to find a deeper sense of self and meaning.
If I could help you, nudge you forth, then of course I would, my dear.
But you're on your own with this one, it's high time to find the key.
You look to the moon, la luna, in an attempt to be swayed.
To be taken across the star filled bliss, part of it, being laid.
I see you from the shadows, I laugh at the game, for that's what it is,
Let's not pretend it's oh so serious, many aspects of life are worthy of laughter.
Finality, is held in your eyes, that lead to your heart, that lead to your soul.
The window is open, the time is ticking, and I try to cry out.
Yet no sound ever comes, not a peep, and fearful of future, you cower.
But suddenly, with a gust, a flowing breeze, you are gone from me, without a shout...
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